summer course 2023

Future of Healthcare: Leapfrogging Innovation Through Precision Medicine

The registration starts from June 1st, 2023 until September 30th, 2023. Register today! 

Meet the Experts

Expert lecturers from UGM and partner universities


Electronic certificate that consist of learning hours

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Future of Healthcare: Leapfrogging Innovation Through Precision Medicine

2023 Summer Course on Future of Healthcare: Leapfrogging Innovation Through Precision Medicine Directions is aimed to improve inter professionalism in health services managements with their accompanying problems by interdisciplinary and multi-university approach. Inter-professional education and globalization are mutually correlated and there is no barrier between each profession and country in holistic health problem management.

This winter course outlines health sciences, integrated with social sciences and population study in health system.

Watch Video of winter course 2022

The Activities of the Course


Talkshow with professionals about captivate topics

Practical Session

Practical and physical activities

Field Visit

Field visit to village

Focused Group Discussion

Discuss the issues with the group

Asynchronus Activities

Asynchronus Activities


After Movie

Here’s the previous activities of our Summer and Winter Course since 2016.

Summer Course 2019 - After Movie

This year, Summer Course 2019 took theme about Emergency and Trauma Care. During 2 weeks of synchronous session, participants took a part in primary health care activities in Magelang, Central Java.

Winter Course 2020 - After Movie

We brought a theme about Mental Health Challenge in Millennial Era to answer various problems regarding this theme. Lecture, hands-on, field visit, and laboratory activities became interesting activities during the course.

Summer Course 2019
Emergency and Trauma Care
Winter Course 2020
Mental Health Challenges in Millennial Era
Summer Course 2020
Health 4.0 - Management and Technology for Improving Primary Health Care in Developing Countries
Winter Course 2021
One Health: Diseases of Tomorrow

What They Say

Excellent! I want join in the next course soon! Honeslty, I have no basics in medicine or health, initially I was only interested in functional food because I'm from Aquatic Product Technology. After taking the course, I became interested in medicine and health. Thank you!

Krisna Bayu Anggara IPB University

I think the online lecture process is good and eLok provides a very good platform that we can refer back to the recording if missing out any relevant messages.

Chang Chi Yin International Medical University

I really enjoyed this Summer Course, I am truly honored being a part of it. I think it was really well organized and super interesting. It was an amazing oppurtunity to connect with students and professors from all over the world, even in these COVID-19 times. I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart who contributed to this amazing program.

Esly Lemmen VUMc Amsterdam
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